Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Countdown for NASA Space Shuttle Liftoff to ISS after 2,5 Years break.

The NASA has planned a Spcaceshuttle Mission to fly in ca 4. Hours. That is an essential mission for the International Space Station ISS and even more important for the future fate of the Space Shuttle . The engineers worked more than 2 Years to rise security of space flight with the shuttles after the Columbia tragedy. NASA has spent 1.5 Million Dollars for the Development of enhancements and security measures.
Chances are 60 % high that the liftoff can take place. Space shuttles are due to start only in good weather conditions and in a bright daylight sky.
Today here was a slight shock as a cover of the Space Shuttle window fell off and broke the heat shield after falling 20 meters down. But the crashed parts could be replaced and the responsibles ensured that such repairs happened all the time. Good luck Space Shuttle and ISS.


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